Sunday, August 24, 2008

Spiritual Sundays

Another late entry. A busy day!
He who buries his talent is making a grave mistake.
Neglect not the gift that is in thee...
1 Timothy 4:14a
I sometimes wonder what my gift is, how about you? If you already KNOW yours do you fertilize and care for it, or let it wilt? I feel in this season of my life, that many of my past 'trials' were training for being Duncan's mom.
Are there trials in your life that are pointing you towards your gift and towards your intended good works here? Did you have a hard childhood and are able to help other kids to overcome? Not all of us have gifts as obvious as a voice, or an artists eye.
Take a moment today to find your gifts and uncover them, nurture them and use them for the good.


Charlotte said...

I think this is something a lot of people wonder about - what is their spiritual gift or gifts. You have given insight into the question. I think God uses all of our life experiences to teach us and make us into who we are. There was a popular expression a few years ago. "Keep Your Eyes on Jesus". This is good advice for any age. We are happy to have late comers to Spiritual Sundays. People can come back here and some say they do all during the week and reread some of the inspirational posts.
Have a great week.

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

Everyday I struggle with this. I know I have a talent that God gave me, it's just not always visible. Thank-you so much for such a nice post. I am glad you participated and like everyone I look forward so much to Spiritual Sundays and I get so much out of it.

gotsnoopy said...

Chez, your Spiritual Sundays and the comments by Charlotte and Ginger were all good thoughts for all of us. Thanks!

Joyfull said...

Love this post! I'm not completely sure of my gifts, but there are some areas I feel I can be a blessing in. You are so right in encouraging us to strengthen those areas and always be looking for areas we are gifted in. Thanks for sharing!

Jamie {See Jamie blog} said...

Exactly! Great post. Something I've learned fairly recently is that our gifts don't have to be HUGE to be used for God's glory. We just have to give him whatever we've got; he fed thousands with a boy's small lunch, so he can work wonders with "small" talent, too!

nannykim said...

True...I also think that we use our gifts in different ways at different stages in our lives....they may be the same gift, but he gives us different kinds of opportunities to use them.