Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Special Ornaments Volume 1

Each of my trees has a few very special ornaments. Most of the special ones go on my family tree which has a 'non-theme' theme.

The woodland tree on my sunporch, seen here last post, has just a few 'special' ones.
First is an ornament Duncan "made" in school when he was in 1st grade in art class. They pressed real pine tree parts into clay. I think it is genius, I think he probably actually was able to help with most of this project and I love it.
The one below is a beautiful REAL leaf that was gold-plated. It was a gift from my dear friend Daryl several years ago. It is from main and each year as I take it out of it's box I see the gift tag she put on it (taped inside the box) and am reminded that these friends MAKE Christmas for us.

If you have some special ormanents share them with the rest of us. I think unpacking those memories is one of the best parts of the season.

1 comment:

Daryl said...

I LOVE that Duncan ornanment. Is it painted? I want to make some!

Your house is glowing with holiday charm!