Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A new decade?

Wow, the sun is setting on the first decade of our new Millineum.

How was your 2009? How was your decade? If you are like barely remember Y2K and the hysteria about it. I am glad my lack of panic was right on and I didn't buy a generator or 200 gallons of water.

Are you going to be sad to see the sun go down on it or glad to see the rise of TWENTY-Ten. How awesome does that sound?

So, fellow blogettes, friends and all....Happy New Year from our Corner of the world to yours. May 2010 be prosperous, kind and a growing year for us all.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Winter FUN!

I will openly admit to preferring WARM weather. I abhor frozen water troughs, impassible roads, cold hand and the like. HOWEVER, I love....

Beautiful snow

Sledding boys

Sled boy pulling husbands. GOOD DADDY!

Cute cold mugs ready for mugs of warm cocoa.

And airborne snow dogs!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Under the piles of wrapping paper?

I hope you all had a great celebration with your loved ones!

I am finding myself already desiring to get the tree down and get up some snowflakes and decorate my new mantel for something else. Silly me!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Once upon a Mantle

When we toured the house the fireplace looked like this....

Last Christmas it looked like this..... Saturday early evening it looked like this..... Saturday by late evening I was covered in paint and it looked like this.....

Then by looked like.............TA DA!!!!!!!!!!!! After a year and a bit I got my mantle. I bought the parts, took the measurements and was the idea lovely neighbor Randy did the cutting and some of the assembly. I did the painting...the finish assembling and Jay helped me screw it in place. I could not be MORE in love with it. I actually pause to look at it every time I walk by.

I had given up looking for mantles at the stores, b/c a much more boring one than mine was 155 dollars and that was a 'cheap' one. I bought the parts for 36 dollars, and we used some of Randy's scrap (see above link) for the face board....and the actual shelf....and I owe him a few hundred snickerdoodles, but still a good deal!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Broken, my heart

I knew it was coming and I am still in shock.

Wednesday night, my beloved and loyal dog of 16 years, Reckless was failing in a way that begged me for mercy. I did the hard thing, swallowed my breaking heart back down and made the call for her. She was euthanized in my arms, on my sofa by my friend and Vet.

To strangers she was mostly aloof, to squirrels she had been a menace, to me she was ever loyal, with Duncan she was every patient. She was a thread tying my teens (19) to my adulthood. She knew me WHEN...for more things than I can say.
May the rainbow bridge resound with the sounds of her running fast today!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

A new addition

It has been a few weeks but I figure I should introduce you:
Here enjoying some chair time is BEAKER. She was found in Indianapolis and taken in by Animal Control. She found me at the Great Indy Pet Expo. They were calling her Katie. Since I have an aversion to people names for dogs, we call her Beaker, or beaky or...I hate to admit....when she is in trouble, she is KATIE SUE BEAKMAN! :D

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Simply perfect

At least in my opinion.
A few years ago I bought this tiered tray (I am sure they have a name) and spray painted all it's chippy ugly plasticy silver parts white. I have used it for other things like this.
It has held soap in the bathroom, candles, you name it.
I put dollar tree silver pine cones, some berry doo-dads from an old arrangement (Goodwill) and some beeds I got YEARS ago from Walmart.
I don't know why, but it makes me smile. I hope it makes my guests, both blog and real, smile too.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Special Ornaments Volume 1

Each of my trees has a few very special ornaments. Most of the special ones go on my family tree which has a 'non-theme' theme.

The woodland tree on my sunporch, seen here last post, has just a few 'special' ones.
First is an ornament Duncan "made" in school when he was in 1st grade in art class. They pressed real pine tree parts into clay. I think it is genius, I think he probably actually was able to help with most of this project and I love it.
The one below is a beautiful REAL leaf that was gold-plated. It was a gift from my dear friend Daryl several years ago. It is from main and each year as I take it out of it's box I see the gift tag she put on it (taped inside the box) and am reminded that these friends MAKE Christmas for us.

If you have some special ormanents share them with the rest of us. I think unpacking those memories is one of the best parts of the season.

Monday, December 7, 2009

It's Beginning to Look Alot Like....

Christmas at our home!

I guess I can do a cyber tour.


Our 'woodland' themed tree ended on the sunporch this year. I have dreams of a white tree with all pinks for next year.
I decorated Grandma's drum table with some poinsettias and Garland. I have to say I love the picture of Duncan, I paid $5 for an artist to make it when we were on vacation in Florida.

Here is prooof that our tastes change. When I was given the reindeer above I was 20 years old and it went with NOTHING I owned and I didn't know what to do with him. I put him up those years anyway. This year I adore him and put out Grandma's old oranaments with him. I am looking for a few new gold items to put with him as I am out shopping today.

Here is where you can have a snack on the sunporch, enjoying my gold reindeer and the view of the snow on the lawn.

And last but not least I hung my dear friend Billy's stocking on the head of the guest bed, he is the friend most likely to sleep here over the Holiday season. If he comes to visit I will be sure to fill that tin with goodies and love.
At the foot of the guest bed, I put some pink ornaments in a dish as a reminder of how pretty my little white tree will be with them on it.

I will share more of my home later this week, I hope you come visit again.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Time to decorate for Christmas

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.I can't believe it is time to drag out the Christmas decorations. Our little family got the flu two weeks ago and are just now dragging ourselves back to normal. I managed to get a box of items out and all my holiday dishtowels and such are in the was and getting ready for their seasonal run.
I have this intense desire to have the house decorated for Christmas, but am feeling daunted by the task of getting it all up. My goal is to spiff up the living room, vacuum and dust and then put up the living room tree.
I will update as the house becomes more festive.
Happy Shopping this Black Friday.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fantastic in Fall Colors

Our farm is beautiful in all the seasons. However, her finest apparal seems to me to be her oranges, yellows and reds. Maybe since we first owned her a year ago in Fall it is more noticable to me.
I snapped these photos a few days 'post-peak' here in Indiana, but my Maple tree had started throwing gorgeous yellow-orange leaves in huge quantities.
Covering our cottage in a crown of jewels just for the season.
While I was snapping those photos, Duncan was trying to move around his pumpkins

and enjoying the best part of Autumn. The leaves!
The trees are now, two weeks after this photo shoot, nearly bare and the leaves in questions merely brown mulch-to-be.
Peak color, Fall beauty and all it entails is SO brief that I think we almost MISS it every year.
Did you enjoy it this year? Are you?

Monday, November 2, 2009

The crows weren't even scared!

Of my little man Saturday! Are you?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A fall visit

Fall break was last week. My cousin and her five (5) kiddos came to the house to play. There are basically NO photos of the older boys, because my husband has a playstation 2. BOYS!

Here are Duncan, Venyua and Pupstar enjoying the hay.

Here is Duncan showing Kadeza HIS log.Venyua and Bing enjoying some 'log time'

Niyah, Kadeza and Duncan skipping down the driveway....and my cousin, Sabrina has her head in my viewfinder! :D
For city kids they took to our place like it was home. I was happy they came! I hope they come again soon!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

This weeks THEME?

So this week I have been trying to be a good FLYbaby. I also managed to listen to a little blurb of Dave Ramsey and go to my weight watchers meeting.

Seems the theme for this week was "Every day" Dave was saying every month you give up cable, and every month you put money in savings and every month you.... Then Flylady reminded me that every day I need to shine my sink, 27 fling boogie and let go of perfectionism. Then every week when I weigh in and say "next week I'll do better" I am reminded. I have to do it day to day to day. It is tedious, it isn't the answer we want.

We might not be able to buy that cool new item or buy a vase to fill up the space on that shelf, EVEN IF IT IS CHEAP. We may not be able to have our PERFECT. we get up and do our best and stop comparing ourselves to others on all planes. No comparing your house to your neighbors (whether better or worse), no comparing your butt to some super-model's butt, and no comparing your budget to your friends.

Live it one blessing at a time...

So flybabies and non...go do something to make YOUR home, yourself and your budget happier. In the end WE are happier when those things aren't stressing us out!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Run on the treadmill or eat a cookie?

After saying to my friend, Daryl, "I feel like running on a treadmill OR...Eating a cookie!" last night she said I should blog about it.

Our friend Rick passed away a few weeks ago from a heart attack and yesterday I found that a classmate had died.

Rick was a wonderful and kind friend and tremendous husband to his wife. I don't think he had made 60 years yet. Pam was a wife and mother and was my age (35). They had ONE thing in common....OBESITY! I would feel comfortable writing this blog if it weren't for my personal fight with my weight (My WHOLE life). If I were one of the 'naturally thin' people I would likely just shake my head and wonder how on earth a person got there...but this I know. Furthermore, when it comes down to reality though a car accident was the precipitating event that lead to my mother's death...her heart failed in the surgery to repair her injuries and worse yet, she wore her seatbelt wrong b/c she didn't like it on her stomach, mom was 38.

I know they all had tried and had success with weight loss. I know Rick had tried MANY. Pam I only know from Weight Watchers and school. I do not pretend to know their whole stories.

I know MINE. I CAN lose weight and I often do. I get myself motivated I work hard, I count calories (or points) and I make better choices. THEN....stress comes around and all I want is to do whatever I want. My inner two year old says "you can have oreos if you want them" and I listen to her. She is a bad two year old. Yesterday at the moment I realized there has to be a lesson in this, my friend and my classmate can't have died for Oreos (or pizza or) I have to not be them. Pam left behind a is my terrible fear to leave Duncan behind.

So last night when telling Daryl and I said "i feel like I need to get on the treadmill" Then I paused and said "or eat a cookie" It was real it was what I felt and it is the root of the problem. Our battle isn't with 10 or 100lbs it is with those single decisions. Get on the treadmill and if you have to have a cookie...ONE cookie.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

What she said!

Okay so I have nothing more to add!

Today Nester's post is so thought provoking I figured it was worth revisiting!

Maybe tomorrow I will blog about my list and my shortcomings...and maybe it will help me focus on my home again.

I have been so focused on NAMING our farm....I have it a reason to be named.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

a little something burlap

Had my birthday cookout and 35 wonderful members of my friends and family came and roasted hot dogs together....that is world peace, in my book! :D

I made a little cute for my table and thought I would share.

So I primed an 49cent tin, bought a clearance mum. Add almost negligable amount of burlap...and

I did add a ribbon and didn't take a picture, but I like it.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Starting 36th

Year, that is.... Today I turned 35, which has been bothering me but somehow today it is fine. Somehow it isn't scary when I am here! LOL

Anyway, I get to go to Billy's book launch party today. I will be getting Dogwood's book signed for her.
More when Blogger isn't more when my cmoputer likes me later.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Happy Fall

Yesterday it was officially Autumn. I am in denial...having a lame horse all summer made it feel like I didn't have a summer.
Now is time to mend fences (literally) and get the house ready. So much to do before the cold gets here.
Hope you are all getting out your pumpkins and Fall gear and bringing the season to life.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

They MADE me do it!

Okay so Joy has been using burlap alot and I like it. I have been resisting. Honestly I shouldn't be doing crafty stuff because,my spare bedroom still isn't completely unpacked...or even CLOSE....and I have a few more cabinet doors to paint in the kitchen. I was being good, I was resisting....BUT....then NESTER blogged about a Tutorial the other day.

So, I could NOT resist any longer.

I purchased my burlap, did NOT measure, did not use stencils and made my own (much smaller banner).

This is also my "new" bookshelf/dresser combo. (Goodwill 25 bucks) I am probably going to paint it, but as for now it works. I have crammed a few Fall decos on there, including the Flowers above which need some work (they were given to me when Grandma moved this summer).

Anyway, I like my little Fall banner and it was easy. If you are anal follow the tutorial above, if you are like me....cut them approximately the same, paint them free hand, sew together roughly with twine/hemp and pucker a little and TA DA...not perfect but LOVED!

I am also working on a little project with the remnant burlap...stay tuned. :D

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sweet Sixteen

My old gal, Reckless, turns 16 today. This is old for any medium sized dog, but since Reck got into Ibuprofen as a four year old and has had decreased kidney function since is a bit of a miracle.
I got my old gal in November of 1993 as I was starting my Sophomore year of college. She went everywhere with me, even to some classes. She earned me some bonus points when I taught her some Spanish. Her last few years have been rough. She has lost her hearing and most of her eyesight. She was the smartest dog ever, and loved doing tricks, fetching and generally being a handful. Losing her senses has made her a little jumpy and I wonder sometimes if she thinks we are all mad all the time, since we 'don't talk to her anymore'.

When we moved to the farm a year ago I hoped she would make it ONE more spring so she could romp. Well, she did...and romp she has. She walks like an old dog, no longer trots (more paces) and has some failure in her spine...she no longer holds Chiropractic adjustments so we have halted them. However, she still RUNS to the barn....she still follows me down, and watches (our shadows?) as we work. She also give the other dogs 'what for'.

This is a hard time watching my old girl decline. I feel I am on a constant 'death watch'. She has been through thick and thin with me. I have had her longer than my husband, in a month (if she is around) I will have HER longer than I had a living mother....she is such a part of my life. However, I will not let her suffer a painful existence and when the light goes out in her eyes, I will make the hard phone call, rub her perfect ears and let her go....

Happy Birthday Heart Dog!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Always check it YOURSELF

Well, my SUV has an alignment issue and I let it go longer than I should. So I need to replace my front tires. In the meantime, I let the BIG place in town put my spare on and make the bald tire my spare..... Seems with power tools that should be easy peasy and I should be safe.

A few days later I was sure (from the racket) that I had a flat. I got out...walked back in and drove to work. At work I removed the cap over my hub...and found THIS...

yes that is as loose as it looks. I was able to tigthen ALL of them some and some of them ALOT. Honestly, this could have killed me.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It's Hot in my garden

and I don't mean 90 degrees and humid! :D

Aren't they pretty? I have already used several jalapeƱos in my recipes and will dry those red guys for use in this winter's chili! So it can be HOT in my kitchen!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Today, I have a very special giveaway.

My dear friend (BFF) Billy
just released his book "Happy Dog"

Enter here today to get an autographed copy. I will make sure he personally iscribes to YOU!

Cross post this to your blog and get an extra entry.

I am going now to get my copy.

If you don't win, please buy as many copies as you can ....I want a good birthday present this year, from Billy! LOL

comment between now and September 10th...for your chance(s) to win.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Why didn't we have a party?

Well, I realized today that I have been OVER a year blogging. I didn't realize I had started in August, I guess I thought it was later. Just goes to show.

Happy Anniversary to me!

I have enjoyed the year, and have been hit or miss at times, but hope I will continue to find and make new blogging friends.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

A little help from an Angel?

My friend, Billy picked this gal up for me as a housewarming gift when we moved to our house last Fall. I plunked her down here next to the front door. I have given her no attention, I spent more time with the horses, chasing Duncan and whatnot and never got around to planting ANY flowers near her.

She took it upon herself. That little wild Petunia popped up under her legs and bloomed yesterday without me even noticing. The pink perfectly matches the other things on the other side in my recently raised bed.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Seven lives left for Bing-dot-com

Well, you all met Bing (or Bingeeee, or Bingle...whatever Duncan calls him today) a few weeks ago.

Our story starts early Sunday morning. My brother in law Mark arrived to cut firewood. We chatted in the driveway in our church clothes.....Bing wound himself around my ankles until I relented and pick up his sorry little (read FAT, gangly teenage cat) self. He snuggled Duncan and I put him down on the porch.

We got in our Explorer and headed to church. About a mile down the road, Jay looks at his phone and realizes that we will NEVER make it on time and since we only sit in service for the singing part and take Duncan out to the lobby for the service, where we watch on the TV set....we decided not to make the 40 minute trip for Duncan to be very angry about missing the singing. :D We turn around in a driveway and head the other way towards the closer town. We drive about nine more miles. We drive down our road, aptly named Little HURRICANE , because of the hills and turns. Then onto BIG Hurricane and a few more miles. Then into town. We stop at Hardees for a bite to eat. WE spend a few minutes in line mulling over our coupon using options and finally arrive at the window to receive our food.
We pull into a parking space to tear up biscuits and whatnot for Duncan. We are there a few minutes, sipping drinks and waiting for Duncan to eat without worrying he will stab himself in the eye with a spork. I just happen to look down and see a kitten walk out from under the front of my truck....hmmmm...odd? Wait a MINUTE.....that looks like MY kitten.

I say "Bing?" and Jay looks at me like I am a lunatic (as does a guy beside us in the parking lot). I jump out...and follow the kitten (bing lookalike?) and say "Bing-y" as sing-song as a person who fears iminent death for her son's cat can. He looks back...Oh MY it IS him. He goes through the railings to their outside eating area...and isn't running but not coming either. I reach through and grab him by his tail. It was less than pretty, the rescue, but I grabbed him. Luckily, he is quite tractable, and didn't bite my wrist or anything.

I look him over and besided a smudge of grease on his left paw...he is without a mark. I put him in the back and drive to the Rural King. He manages to climb through the dog gate and is sitting on Duncan's seat back and Duncan is not happy. I remove him to Jay's lap and he rides there to Rural King, goes in Rural King and gets all sorts of complements on his cuteness. I remind him constantly he is NOT a cute and GOOD kitty, he is, in fact, a VERY VERY BAD kitty.

We get home put him back at the barn and give him food....another BAD KITTY reminder...and I move on.

How, does a little kitty ride in the hood area of a vehicle 9 PLUS curvy miles. (also I do NOT drive like any grandma you know). How does he then not jump out while I am tearing biscuits, or while I am ordering or while I was sipping my drink, but just when I looked?

So...Bing lost a life on Sunday....hopefully he will be careful with the remaining seven.

Oh...and lest you think I cannot count. Bing also carries a broken right front paw from getting stepped on by a 1200lb HORSE. His carpals were broken, but Dr. Martha assures us he will be fine (as a bad kitty can be). I have caught him SINCE the stepping incident playing with the same horses tail as if it never happened. The horse doesn't care, but once in awhile he does stomp a fly and apparantly Bing is the sweetest kitty, the cutest kitty, a lucky kitty but VERY VERY bad and not VERY VERY bright.